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Performance of a Thermoelectric Module using the thermodynamic relationship temperature-entropy (T-S)

A. Arenas, J. Vázquez, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, R. Palacios

XIX International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT 2000, Cardiff (Reino Unido). 20-24 agosto 2000


In this paper, the performance of a thermoelectric module is analysed using the thermodynamic diagram Temperature-Entropy. This diagram can be used as a graphical tool which allows for the analysis of thermoelectric processes, both reversible and non-reversible, in an elemental pair or thermoelectric elements. A similarity is found between the Seebeck coefficient and entropy per unit of electrical charge. This allows for the use of the Seebeck coefficient and absolute temperature as coordinates in a representative Cartesian system. All processes, both reversible and non-reversible, in a pair of thermoelectric elements can be represented in the above mentioned system. This analysis is completed with the identification of several graphic elements such as lines and areas, and their association to different equations and thermodynamic relationships of the thermoelectric module performance. This approach is very useful in the analysis of thermoelectric modules as it is performed from an engineering point of view in classical thermodynamics.

Palabras clave: No disponible/Not available

Publicado en ICT 2000, ISBN: 978-0951928622

Fecha de publicación: 2000-08-24.

A. Arenas, J. Vázquez, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, R. Palacios, Performance of a Thermoelectric Module using the thermodynamic relationship temperature-entropy (T-S), XIX International Conference on Thermoelectrics - ICT 2000, Cardiff (Reino Unido). 20-24 agosto 2000. En: ICT 2000: Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Thermoelectrics, ISBN: 978-0951928622

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